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Graphic studio

Our studio has been successfully on the market for 20 years. Combination of graphic studio and professional atelier gives us great advantage, especially during the creation of complex graphic design, for example export package design, or when designing exposition for our customers.

We are offering classic studio services from art design, through professional photography and adjustment on powerful Apple computers, to printing of the final product. Final data are prepared for any type of printing technology and can be sent using our FTP to chosen printer, or we can take care of the printing, sending you final, printed product.

We can prepare for you any commercial prints, including leaflets, brochures, catalogues, as well as larger publications, such as calendars, advertisements, posters and billboards. We usually create different language versions including corrections, as our customers sell their products to a large number of countries. Moreover, we have acquired significant set of skills regarding the creation of package designs, as in the past 20 years, we have managed to create over 400 different package designs, mainly for glass Industry.

Integral part of our service is also processing of the style and visage of company, including creation of logo for your company, graphic manual and many other materials used for the company´s representation. These materials include business cards, writing papers, stamps, signs, stickers for company cars and printing on advertising objects, etc.

Immense, professionally equipped photography atelier, creative connection of photographic and graphic work, as well as high speed and perfect craftsmanship are sufficient guarantee of high quality of our work and happiness of our clients.

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